TBRI® in-person Trainings
statewide TBRI® Training Series
This in-person training series is designed to move people and organizations from exploring the model to implementing it within families, organizations, and systems.
How it works:
EXPLORE – Join us for a 2-Day Workshop
During this two-day workshop you’ll gain a foundational understanding of TBRI® and walk away with strategies and tools you can put into immediate use!
EXPLORE MORE – Learn the ins and outs of the model through a series of “deep dives” into each TBRI® principle.
IMMERSE – After completing the EXPLORE and EXPLORE MORE phases, participants have access to monthly in-person coaching and support sessions where you can:
Learn to apply TBRI® in the "real world"
Elevate your practice
Implement TBRI® in our organization
Upcoming Training series
Deep Dive Series $120 for all sessions Register Here
Connecting Principles - January 24th
Empowering Principles - February 21st
Correcting Principles - March 21st
Deep Dive Series $120 for all sessions Register Here
Connecting Principles - March 27th
Empowering Principles - April 24th
Correcting Principles - May 8th